
Dancho's Cool Stuff Repository

Required Viewing

  • uBlock Origin Neccessary to make use of the modern web. I will try and implement Javascript that blocks this website if an adblocker is not detected.
  • Antonymph The greatest music video of all time


  • Kill la Kill The most creative, fast-paced, antifascist action-comedy I've ever seen. Every scene is full of movement, jokes and/or adrenaline. Contrary to what you might think, liking hot girls is NOT required to enjoy this show (doesn't hurt though).
  • Dark Souls Atmosphere, Level-design, gameplay and lore come toghether to give a compeling, memorable and unique experience. For a game that doesn't have a typical narrative (although the story of you getting through the challanges is more than enough on its own) it portrays the feeling of being a person trying to survive in our world quite accurately.
  • Disco Elysium WARNING: To buy this is to betray the working class! The greatest CRPG piece of art of our time. I can't do the description justice. Just stop reading this website and go play it NOW.
  • Outer Wilds A game able to provide the pure satisfaction of discovery and marvel of exploration without relying on any sort of progression systems. It's just you and your knowledge of the universe. It is also extremely scientifically accurate - however that has nothing to dow ith its(albeit impressive) simulations, but with the way it captures the essence of the scientific process.
  • Prey (2017/Arkane Studios)
  • Vampire: The Masquerade -Bloodlines Janky gameplay hard carried by writing. All the characthers are so FUN to listen to - doesn't matter if they are CEOs, Communists, prostitutes dancers or flesh-crafters. I have played through it multiple times and yet I still believe all the lies everyone tells me(and they all do).
  • Katawa Shoujo That one anime dating sim about disabled girls. Remaster by FHS, original 4LeafClover version

Technology and Privacy

  • Giant repository of privacy focused tools for all sorts of needs. Provide explanations for their choices.
  • Cory Doctorow - Pluralistic Long-time writer and activist. His blog is a great source of news for all the chicanery and clowning the techno-feudalist lords inflict on their subjects.
  • Louis Rossman Right-to-repair advocate. When he is not fixing e-waste and planned obsollecense MacBooks, he is fighting governments to allow us to own our products. Unfortunately a bit jaded. Doesn't just yell at camera, actually supports products that he finds valuable (he has paid for Linux)
  • Eric Murphy Reasonably presented privacy guides for a more average user
  • Kevin Fang Funny, but thorough and well researched post-mortems on database system accidents/data breaches
  • CryoByte Videos on utilising the Steam Deck to its maximum potential
  • Battle Nonsense Networking basics and benchmarks on video games (Depricated?)
  • Digital Foundry Hardware reviews and Performance benchmarks on video games

Cool websites and things

  • A music video re-implementation of Antonymph using your browser's tabs, pop-ups and other less known features. Google Chrome recommended.
  • My Little Pony Karaoke. Fast, simple, online through, or download the feature rich UltraStarDeluxe
  • Abandoned America High quality photography collection of many
  • BoopThePony by WaveCypher Get a cute mare for your desktop. Just Fluttershy.
  • Vimm's Lair Backup of classic console games
  • Fluttershy Bestiary A collection of Fluttershy as different species.
  • Meet the Best Showpony Art Project featuring lots(?) of ponies(?). Be sure to turn off the lights, the switch is in the middle, under the mirror 😏
  • OpenMW Engine + TR and PT Custom modernized engine for The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, combined with high quality, expansion-like mods that add new locations like the rest of Morrowind, Skyrim and parts of Cyrodil.
  • Quark Doge (Flex Air) I don't really know what this is, but its great. Russian meme-culture inspired videos with a collage style. There is some lore but I am unable to discern it.
  • PCGamingWiki Information and technical fixes for games. If you need higher FPS, FOV or resolutions, this is the first place to look.
  • Language Learning Teaches you HOW to learn any language, alongside providing links to resources.
  • Garden of Earthly Delights by Jheronimus Bosch A detailed scan + guided tour of a very influential painting.
  • Windows 93 A full fledged computer with all sorts of goofy programs and application right in your browser. You can spend a lot of time exploring it.


  • The Alexandrian Superb blog on Tabletop Roleplaying Games. Invaluable advice on how to run games. Covers all sorts of systems and settings, although his advice is apllicable for any.
  • RSD Mods and Tweaks Thoughs on modding and games. Has released a few rebalance mods.
  • Reiddragon Don't know where I found him but he's got a cool website with a blod and glossary of "Cool things"TM. Inspiration for making this site, took some HTML from them.
  • Low Tech Magazine Enviromentally aware tech. Entirely powered by solar. Inspiration for making this site.
  • Cory Doctorow - Pluralistic Long-time writer and activist. His blog is a great source of news for all the chicanery and clowning the techno-feudalist lords inflict on their subjects.


  • BarneyBeekeper Storytelling that will have you on the edge of your seat. Watch Barney, the Undead Rogue, and all the conflict they get embroiled in the World of Warcraft.
  • Esoterica Scientific and historical lessons on occult subjects.
  • Solar Sands Not as funny art analysis man
  • Polyblank Funny art analysis man
  • Kubriklynch Primers on niche cinema and animation
  • Super Bunnyhop Video Game Essays and investigative journalism
  • Super Eyepatch Wolf Essays on all sorts of nerdy subjects. You will learn to love wrestling after watching his videos.
  • Kenny Lauderdale Reviews of old anime, often niche, sometimes never before seen.
  • Amelie Doree Passionate reviews, with historical context and everything, of often old, niche japanese PC-9800 exclusive erotic visual novels
  • Cloth Map Documentarias about video games and the people who play them.
  • decino Pumpkin man plays Doom(1993) and occasioanlly analyses source code
  • Nick on Planet Ripple LEGO Themes retrospectives, alongside original creations
  • Raycevick Video Game Essays

Crafting and arting


  • Igor Levchenko Classically stylled Morrowind paintings
  • Shimhaq Dark Fantasy - I follow them for mostly Dark Souls and Berserk
  • CypherWave - WaveCipher Vaporwave and digital - styled ponies
  • Vewn MS-Paint styled animations on the modern human experience
  • Unix_Surrealism FOSS aesthethic comics set in the post apocalypse

Miscelanious stuff